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About me.

Hello there, let me introduce myself,  My name is Faraz and I live in the UK . It feels a little strange talking about my experiences with PS as for over 20 years of my life it’s been a secret, I’ve never really had anyone to talk to about it up until recently, I always thought I was alone... But here is a little about me.


So growing up the only noticeable difference was in my hands, I had a big hand and a little hand. It wasn’t until I reached puberty I started noticing a different in the rest of my body, like my chest, my arms and the size of my leg. However it didn’t bother me or hinder me much so I thought nothing of it. I was always a confident kid growing up and pretty full of myself regardless. Physique wise I wasn’t blessed with the best genetics. I was “skinny fat” with a pear shape. I had zero muscle shape and definition, although it was covered in fat, so the full extent of my PS wasn’t realised until I started bodybuilding and following a proper nutritional plan.


I started weight training in my early 20’s, nothing serious. It was more of a hobby, a pastime.

I lifted for a few years with very little guidance and knowledge on building a physique. It seemed the further I got the fatter I got. My PS wasn’t very visible apart from my arm, hand and pec, the rest of me was still very much covered in fat (I was over 30% body fat at 190lb).


In 2011, after a break I started my journey again fresh, I was determined to lose my thunder thighs and muffin top. I did everything right, cardio, weights and proper food. I lived the lifestyle religiously. I dropped over 20% Body fat and acquired a “new Physique”.

This newer leaner physique gave me very clear view of my physique and the extent my PS.

Since then I have been hard at work trying to achieve a physique I can be proud of, and to increase the longevity of my body.


“BRO HOW MUCH YOU BENCH”?.. Good look with that lol.

 It’s not easy, especially at the beginning,  It’s easy to get discouraged when you don’t get the results you want.  Progress is slow and injuries occur. I wish I had some guidance at the start, I would have saved myself a lot of injuries.

To beginners I would say this, Take your time, don’t compare yourself with others. The only person you need to worry about is yourself. Train SMART, just because the buff guy at the gym gave some advice doesn’t mean it’s right for YOU. Do your own research and understand it will take time. Use common sense and don’t rush things. Once you find your groove you will be amazed how your body responds!.

chack out some of my youtube videos for more indepth advice.


You might look at me think “oh it’s not that bad, he looks ok” but understand it has taken me years of hard work, dedication and proper nutrition to get to this point.

This page is here for anyone who needs a little guidance. Or for the parents who have little ones affected with PS.  Don’t worry , it isn’t so bad :-)

Keep your eyes on the blog for regular updates!.

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